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Level 4

Display billboard in Basic MSI project


I am trying to display the billboard in Basic MSI project. I have followed the instructions in the documentation to configure the tables in Direct Edit. However, my Bitmap images start to display in the middle of file transfer instead of at the beginning of the file transfer. I have four Bitmap images, only the last one is displayed. The first three images either have never been displayed or flahed to fast to be seen.

So, according to your experience, what could be wrong?

Thank you,

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(8) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Assuming you've looked at the MSI help topic "Displaying Billboards on a Modeless Dialog", as a test does it work if you have only one billboard? Since Billboard table entries are associated with an action, perhaps there are time-consuming actions occurring before InstallFiles?
0 Kudos
Level 4

Thank you for your reply.

I changed "InstallFiles" to "InstallValidate", the Bitmap image starts to display much earlier now. It starts within 1 second after the setupProgress dialog appears.

Now the problem unsolved is that it only shows the last Bitmap image, the first 3 images are either never shown or flashed too fast to be seen.

Single Bitmap image in the billboard works well.

In order to have multiple images in the billboard, I added an entry for each .BMP file in the binary table, and in the BBControl table added an entry for each .BMP file as shown in the attached image.

Is there any other settings I missed?

0 Kudos
Level 4

I also tried to user multiple billboards, each billboard contains one Bitmap image. Each billboard responds to different Actions, then they should be displayed at different time. However, I got the following error message:

Error 2828, Tired to remove control Billboard_Billboard1_Control_Bitmap1 from dialog SetupProgress, but the control is not part of the dialog.

I added Billboard1 and Billboard2 to dialog SetupProgress through dialog editor, my tables are shown in the attached images.

Could you please tell me why I get this error message and how I can fix it?

Thank you,

0 Kudos
Level 4

The error is gone after I delelted the second entry in the Eventmapping table. So, finally it works.

0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi Bing,

I am also trying to display the billboard in a Basic MSI project. While searching I found this thread, but after reading it I am not sure what I have got to do to display the billboard.

So can you sum up it for me.

Thank you very much,

0 Kudos
Level 3


I have added files in "Behaviour and Logic -> SupportFiles -> Language Independent" in installshield (named as bbrd1.bmp, bbrd2.bmp).
Then i followed steps which are mentioned in above reply by Bigma.
But still fails to display images during progress.

Even i followed steps mentioned at link:

Where exactly to add billboard files?

Can you please explain exact steps to display billboards?
VERY URGENT!!!...Help is appriciated.

0 Kudos
Level 4

I have done the same process as above...
but billboards are displayed for some actions only like InstallFiles, InstallValidate,etc and not being displayed for other actions like CreateShortcuts, WriteRegistryValues, etc....

If anyone have solution for this..?
0 Kudos
Level 3

I have exactly same problem as above...
that billboards are displayed only for two actions InstallFiles, InstallValidate, and not being displayed for any other actions.
If any body has some solution please share.
Appreciate any help.
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