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Level 2

Disabling Version Control for Installscript Project

Can anyone please tell me how I can disable version control?

For example, I have MyApp v2.0 installed in my PC and I would like to reinstall MyApp v1.0 without needing to uninstall anything. I have seen that it is possible but there was no way of determining how it was done. Currently the installer prompts the following message box when I try to install an older version:

This setup has detected that version 2.00.000 of MyApp is already installed.

This setup installs an earlier version of MyApp (1.0).

You will have to uninstall the previous version before installing this version.
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(3) Replies
Level 3


I am having the same problem too.

My installer (developed using Install Shield 2008 Install Script project) will return the same error if I were to install an older version of application on top of a newer version of it.

I have disabled the maintenance page from being displayed. Thus, if I were to rerun the installer (e.g: v1.1.0), I would get the Welcome page, License...etc. However, if I were to install an older version of it (e.g: v1.0.0), I would get the same error as the post above.

I am not sure as to where I could disable the version check process.

Any help on this issue is much appreciated.

0 Kudos
Level 3

I am new to IS but I believe if you change the product code you will be allowed to install multiple versions. (Note you do not want to do this if you want to create an update installer).
0 Kudos
Level 6


You can change the Product GUID each time you release the product as TopCat suggested. You can also have the InstallShield IDE do it behind the scenes for you. To do that follow these steps in the IDE:

  • Click on Project on the menu bar and select Settings.
  • When the Project Settings window opens select the Maintenance tab.
  • Select the Multi-Instance radio button and click OK.

This will let the IDE handle the work for you however, if you wish to make an update for the product you have to find the specific Product GUID to build against or it will not work correctly.


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