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Level 3

Dialog with a list of check boxes


I want to create a dialog that displays a list of check boxes (the list is dynamic) and the user can select more than one option in this list.
How can I do it? it should be something very similar to SdAskOptionsList (NONEXCLUSIVE) dialog.
How can I see the code of SdAskOptionsList dialog? when I edit it, I can't see a control for the list of check boxes.

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(1) Reply
Level 13

I am going to assume that you have a pure InstallScript project because of your reference to the SdAskOption item.

I have not done this myself, but I am assuming that you know how to obtain the data to insert into the list box. Just add this data to an InstallShield LIST type and add the listID.
The code piece you need for InstallScript is the code to add the item to the list control. According to the help, CtrlSetList should allow you to add the contents of a list to a dialog.

CtrlSetList(szDialogName, nControlID, listID);

If you are instead working with MSI rather than InstallScript, then check out the following link for an example to modify the MSI database at runtime.

Hopefully this helps.
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