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Level 4

Dialog Titles hidden when using DialogSetInfo()

Hi all,

As above, we can now successfully define an image using the code below

function OnBegin()
DialogSetInfo( DLG_INFO_ALTIMAGE, SourceDir ^ "Banner.bmp", TRUE );

However when we do this, 50% of our dialogs loose their titles, our project is an InstallScript MSI.

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(3) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Which part of the title? Can you post a screenshot?
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Level 4

Hi Robert,

I've attached a screenshot as requested.

The title of this dialog was originally shown ontop of the banner, this was our fix by moving all of the dialog titles down.

We also have an issue with the SdSetupCompleteError when the body text vanishes, and the top banner is reverted to the default hard-coded image!

Dont you just love InstallShield? 😄
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Flexera Alumni

First, a sanity check: could it be a tab-order problem?
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