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Level 3

Device Driver for InstallScript Project


I have a few queries regarding the Device Driver Wizard in Install Shield 2008.

I am currently developing my Installer using InstallScript Project. I have just received some new requirements that require me to automatically install a USB device driver for our application.

Since I have the .INF and .SYS files, I thought of using the Device Driver Wizard in Install Shield to assist me to automatically install the driver for our application. However, I can't seem to get the Device Driver Wizard to work. I checked the help documentation and realized that Device Driver Wizard is only supported for InstallScript MSI Project.

Since I have been working for some time using InstallScript Project, is there a way I could use any Device Driver functionality for my installer (InstallScript Project)?

Apart from that, if I really have to port my project to InstallShield MSI, how do I perform such a task. I realized the "Convert to InstallScript MSI project" is disabled under the Project Converter section.

Please help me with my queries above.

Thank you very much.
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(8) Replies
Level 10

You could write your own device driver installation .dll (c++ or whatever you prefer) or you could simply make use of Microsofts Driver Install Frameworks Tools (DIFx).
You will find the latest DIFx redist files and documentation in the latest WinDDK (6000). Make sure to use DIFx 2.10 (current stable release) if your project targets Vista.

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Level 3


Thanks for the information on using DIFx.

I have a query. I tried to create a simple InstallScript MSI project and used the Device Driver wizard to specify the .INF and .SYS files to be used by the device driver.

However, during execution of the installer, I would receive an error code "-1603" and the driver installation would fail. I tried the same procedure using Basic MSI and it failed to.

Does Install Shield require WinDDK 6000 to be installed in order for it to work? I am using Install Shield 2008 Premier.

Thanks for your reply on this issue.
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Level 10

Basic MSI and InstallScript MSI project make use of DIFx to install driver packages. Therefore you do not have to install the DDK, all DIFx redist files are included in InstallShield (version 2.10 since IS 2008).

Have you logged your installation? The .log file should give more detailed information about what´s going wrong.

You can also try to simply install your driver package by using DPInst.exe (of DIFx). Maybe your driver package (.inf file) is faulty.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi Nick,

Thanks for the answer.

I realized that the driver I am installing is of type unsigned driver. Hence, that explains the error I received earlier. I checked on "Install unsigned driver" in the Device Driver wizard and the installation works fine now.

Coming back to DIFx, does InstallScript MSI/Basic MSI use DIFxApp or DPInst?

Using the Basic MSI, I was able to install my drivers without any errors. However, when I plugged-in the USB cable from the H/W device into my PC, I would still receive the "Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard" dialog.

I have even tried using DPInst from WinDDK 6000 directly to create a setup for my unsigned drivers. The result is the same as mentioned earlier. The "Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard" dialog still pops up after the driver files are copied into the system.

I am new into installing Device Drivers, do you have any idea what could be the reason behind this issue? Is there a way where the "Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard" dialog does not require to be popped up?

Thanks very much for any help on this issue. Appreciate it.
0 Kudos
Level 10

InstallShield uses DIFxApp.

To get rid of the found new hardware wizard dialog you must use signed driver packages (WHQL or DTM).
0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi Nick,

Thanks for your prompt reply. Now, I have a clearer picture on this issue.

I will liaison with my hardware supplier to get them to sign their device driver.

You've been a great help. Thanks again very much.
0 Kudos
Level 10

Here are some additional tips:

-Make use if Microsofts INF File Syntax Checker to verfiy your inf file (can be found in the latest WinDDK under \tools\chkinf).
-DIFx related: The INF Version section of a driver package should include a DriverPackageType entry that specifies the driver package type and it should also include a DriverPackageDisplayName entry that describes the purpose of the driver package to end users. For more info about this take a look at the docu of DIFx.

0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi Nick,

I think the chkInf will be useful to check the INF file i am using for the driver installation.

I will also look into the DriverPackageType and DriverPackageDisplayName entries inside the INF file.

I have informed my hardware supplier on the need to sign their drivers. At the moment, I am waiting for their reply.

Thanks very much for the tips.
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