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Level 4

Deleting previous version with major upgrade

Good day. I use InstallSield 2014. Having problems applying major upgrade and uninstalling a previous version. When i try to install a new version with a new product code, it is added to the previous one, without deleting it. When i look at the logfile, i can see that the application sees different versions, but the process of deleting the previous one does not start. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance. In addition there is 2 log files and screens of Upgrade table



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Level 10

Aside from changing the ProductCode and increasing the ProductVersion, there is one additional step you need to follow.  In the Upgrades view you should author in a Major Upgrade item.  Check out the InstallShield Help topic "Configuring Major Upgrade Settings".

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Yes, sure i make Upgrade Scenario, you can see it on screenshots. I think that i've made mistakes when configuring it.

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Can you run the upgrade Installer with a full Windows Installer Log (use /l*v for the logging options)?  Post that file here and let us help you.

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Everything worked when I exposed InstallScript User Interface Type as New Style. Can explain to me why it doesn't work in Traditional Style. Because with New Style my PowerShell Custom Actions not running.

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