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Level 13

Deferred managed code custom action fails

I am trying to get a managed code deferred custom action to execute.

I have even tried the sample events from the SampleClassLibrary. The C# code compiles correctly but when I execute the log file indicates that it cannot find the file InstallShield.Interop.Msi.dll.
I added a reference to the ISClrWrap table for my custom action to the InstallShield.Interop.Msi.dll file. The row looks like this.
Action=, Name="Dependency0", Value=\system\InstallShield.Interop.Msi.dll

The sample wrapperMSI works correctly and can find this file with the same row description.

What is required for deferred custom actions to include the InstlalShield.Interop.Msi.dll file?
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Per the sample and its corresponding doc file, that should be all you need. Have you double-checked you're not encountering a typo in the action's name, that the action name you're using is the deferred action and not the one that sets up its CustomActionData, and that you're focusing on the correct error in the log file?

(Man that document brings back memories; I haven't run XP on my development machine in a long time!)
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