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Level 4

CustomSetup help

Hi I have a component in my project that holds one big file (100+ MB), I run and deploy it to the machine based on a property set at the time of install - so the file gets deployed only if the user sets that property. Now my issue is if they decide later on to have this file.

I know after install through the ADD/REMOVE programs you can select the application, advertise and select the component and run the install again - does this deploy the file where i want it to go to. Is there any other means to do this task.

Also if the above works is thsi 100MB file stored locally (thereby taking up sapce) if at a later time they want to deploy it? Pls. advice.
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(1) Reply
Level 6

Wouldn't a Repair execution be easier than getting into Advertising?

It sounds as though you already have a Condition on your component to determine whether it installs or not. On your component, set Reevaluate Condition to Yes; as a result when you re-install the application (which I believe includes a Repair) it will re-evaluate your condition and either remove or add your component.

In regards local storage of the component for subsequent installations - I'm not sure, but I think not.
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