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Level 3

Custom Compression - how to compress by feature


I have 2 feature in my project. I need to compress one and leave uncompressed other one. This is easy to do using Installshield Interface under Media\Releases
But how can I do it on build machine? We are using Standalone build:

ISCmdBld.exe -p "C:\InstallShield 2012 Projects\My Othello Project\Othello.ism" -r "Othello Beta" -c COMP -a "Build 245"
Please advice.

Thanks a lot.
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Level 8

Could you elaborate on how you do the compress one feature and un-compress another feature that belong to one product?

Did you mean that you wanted two release configurations to be created ? of which one is compressed setup and the other one is un-compresses ? If this is what you want then you can check the command line parameters in ISCmdbld.exe -a and -c


LiliaY wrote:

I have 2 feature in my project. I need to compress one and leave uncompressed other one. This is easy to do using Installshield Interface under Media\Releases
But how can I do it on build machine? We are using Standalone build:

ISCmdBld.exe -p "C:\InstallShield 2012 Projects\My Othello Project\Othello.ism" -r "Othello Beta" -c COMP -a "Build 245"
Please advice.

Thanks a lot.
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