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Level 3

Custom Actions Order

I created a VB Script custom action and added it to the execution sequence right after the Install Files standard action.
The reason is that I want to register some DLL file using regsvcs.exe.

This never happened.
When I debugged the sequence, I saw that right after InstallInitialize it jumped directly to ISComponentServiceCosting and afterwards directly to my custom action and then to the InstallFinalize action!

Only then, it resumed ProcessComponents, UnpublishComponents, etc. until it reached Install files action.


What do I have to do in order to activate my custom action only after the Install files standard action?

I use DEV Studio 9, Basic MSI Project. I know it is not the right forum but there is no such a forum... 😄

Thanks, Dushkin.
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Flexera Alumni

If you want actions to run after system changes have taken place (files installed, and that sort of thing), you'll want the action to be scheduled for "deferred execution".

(I believe the DevStudio 9 MSI forum is here.)
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