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Level 2

Creating new Virtual Directory restarts iis

The MSI's I am creating install web services as virtual directories under our main web site. I have the set up happening as expected (create the installdir, create the virtual directory and apppool, set up the startup page) but each install is performing an iisreset which we cannot allow to occur in our Production environment. I have the "Restart Web Server After Configuring IIS (II6 and earlier only) bit set to 'No' but my OPS team tells me that my msi's are still performing an iisreset after installation. Is there another component/setting I should look at that can stop this from occurring?

Thanks for your help,
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(2) Replies
Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

Is there a property named RESTARTW3SVC defined in this project? If so, what is its value? Also, there should be a line in a verbose log that starts with "RestartProp value:"; what does this line indicate the value is?
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Not applicable

Hi there,

Has there been any update(s) to this potential issue? I am getting a similar issue with creating a web site via InstallShield 2009. I was considering going to InstallShield 2010 to see if it would resolve it, but it may not be the case.

Josh - I have RESTARTW3SVC set to 0 in the project and the RestartProp value is 0 in the log file.

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