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Level 2

Creating and Using a Bundled JVM


I am new to Installshield 2008 and creating installation projects. I am having trouble using a bundled jvm I created in a Basic .MSI project. I can't figure out how to tell the installation to use the jvm. Can anyone show me the steps how to use a bundled jvm in a basic .MSI project?

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(2) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

How are you trying to use the JVM? As far as I know, MSI offers no builtin ways to use any sort of JVM (bundled or otherwise) without using a custom action DLL or EXE. If by bundled you mean its files are installed by this MSI, and you're trying to use it from a custom action, is the custom action is scheduled such that the files will be available?
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Level 2


I want to ensure that the user who installs the application will use the JVM that is installed with the app and not the JVM on the system. My understanding is the way to do this is by using a bundled JVM with the installation.
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