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Level 6

Creating a minor upgrade

I find the documentation a bit nightmarish, can someone assist?

From everything I've read, I want to do a minor upgrade of a commercial application I recently released - I want to patch/replace the executable in it with a minor upgrade.

How do I go about doing this? The original installation used a Basic MSI project. Do I open that original Basic MSI project file and modify it, working with the Patch Design and Upgrades view of that original project file? If so, how do I go about the process of telling the Patch Design view of the one single file I want to replace? That original file has tons of other files, I only want to replace two of them. Where in InstallShield do I tell it which two files I want to replace?

I find the documentation hopelessly confusing, and even contradictory in places. I've been reading over the various white papers from Acresso on this but none of them spell it out in simple steps, such as:

1) open your original MSI project file
2) Add a Minor Upgrade Item
3) Remove all other Files you don't want upgraded...

etc. What are the steps? And of course - I don't want to overwrite my original, good project file.

Thank you for any help !
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Level 6

I forgot to mention - a QuickPatch seemed the best choice, but I had a custom action in the original MSI which modified the shortcuts according to which Feature they were installing. Unfortunately the QuickPatch is running that Action indiscriminately for everything, not just the original features it was intended for. And disabling the custom action(s) entirely caused an error that the shortcut was not created.
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