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Create patch for my project, but got problem when I run Update.exe


I am sorry ,I am not familiar with installshield,but company assigned this job to me. OK ,for work,I search much information. I knew I can create patch for my peoject using below way  from stackoverflow.

"I might be a bit late to the party but hopefully this post helps anybody else who is looking for this answer.

You can use the 'Patch Design' method to create patches. You can find it in Installation Designer tab under Media.

For this you will need the latest build (msi/exe) and one or more previous build(s). In 'Patch Design' add a new patch configuration. From there you can specify latest version and previous version(s) of your setup file. If you are using Express version then you will need uncompressed build for both latest and previous. If you have Professional version then it can decompress it for you.

After this, just hit Build Patch and it will create a update.exe with only differences between latest and previous builds. It is quite smart in a way where it will only add the binary differences.

Good luck."

I used two packages ,one is previous build package,another is current build package  that contain some changed files. I can create patch successfully. But when I run Update.exe ,I got  pop-up windows. It means "can not run this  install programe by directly starting MSI package,must run setup.exe".

I don't know if I config error by the above  way. 

I am from China and my English is not well. eeemmmmm,please.

Can you give some advise or help on this . Please!

thanks .

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