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Level 3

Could not find dependent file


I'm using InstallShield LE in VS2012 RC and it sort of works but I get a hole bunch of -6248 warnings. One of my projects references the Awesomium dll and that dll in turn depends on a couple of other files. I have added these files to the setup project but it doesn't help. I still get the annoying warnings. What do I have to do to get rid of them? BTW, how can I get InstallShield to include files that primary outputs depend on so that I do not have to add them explicitly?

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(3) Replies
Level 8


The warning 6248 indicates that the specified DLL cannot be found.

The missing file is required by the feature’s key file. Make sure the missing file is on the build system in the same directory as the feature’s key file.

If the dependency is not required, you can turn off .NET dependency scanning for the feature. To turn off dependency scanning, set the feature’s .NET Scan at Build property to None or Properties Only.

Kindly try adding the files identified in the warning message manually during the build but before the build process in the Files view.You may also add the dependent file to the Primary Output location or add a Reference to their Visual Studio project to the dependent file using Visual Studio’s Solution Explorer.
0 Kudos
Level 3


I am also getting this warning when using InstallShield 2012 Limited Edition and Visual Studio Professional 2012 Version 11.0.50727.1 RTMREL. In my case, the missing files are on the build system in the same directory as the feature's key file; they are put there by the VS build process. I have attached my log file indicating what files IS cannot find. Is there some more logging I can enable that will tell me exactly where IS is looking for these files?

Thank you,

-- john
0 Kudos
Level 10

Could you check if the same issue persists with the latest version of InstallShield Limited Edition.
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