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Level 2

Copying InstallShield output to binaries folder

I am building an InstallShield 2011 installer project that was converted to Visual Studio 2011. I am using Team Build to build the installer on our TFS. The installer compiles fine and resides in the InstallShield build location on the workspace on the build machine. The problem is the resulting installer is not copying to the d:\builds\\\binaries\ folder on the build machine and is, therefore, not being copied to the drop location. I ran diagnostic logging on MSBuild and found why the failure is occurring:

There is a variable called @(ISOutDir) that is resolving to an empty string when it should not be and this is causing the copy to be skipped. The $(OutDir) is populated and is where the installer should be copied. Full error message below. Any ideas?

Task "Copy" skipped, due to false condition; ( '$(OutDir)' != '' And '$(BuildUri)' != '' And '$(TeamFoundationServerUrl)' != '' And '$(InstallShieldProductConfiguration)' != '' And '$(InstallShieldRelease)' != '' And '@(ISOutDir)' != '' ) was evaluated as ( 'd:\Builds\10\3MHIS\Architecture - CoreSchema 3.6 - InstallShield 2011\Binaries\' != '' And 'vstfs:///Build/Build/1387' != '' And 'http://devtfs:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection' != '' And 'PROJECT_ASSISTANT' != '' And 'SINGLE_EXE_IMAGE' != '' And '' != '' ).
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(2) Replies
Level 7

I am having the exact same problem. Please let me know how you resolved your problem, if you have been able to do so in the meantime. Thanks! 🙂
0 Kudos
Level 2

I am also facing the same issue, however, if I run solution from Visual Studio, it works just fine.
Here's the log,

Done executing task "InstallShield". (TaskId:103)
Task "Message" (TaskId:104)
Task Parameter:Text=OutDir: (TaskId:104)
OutDir: (TaskId:104)
Done executing task "Message". (TaskId:104)
Task "Message" (TaskId:105)
Task Parameter:Text=MSBuildProjectName: XYZ.Maintenance_Installer (TaskId:105)
MSBuildProjectName: XYZ.Maintenance_Installer (TaskId:105)
Done executing task "Message". (TaskId:105)
Task "Message" (TaskId:106)
Task Parameter:Text=MSBuildProjectFile: XYZ.Maintenance_Installer.isproj (TaskId:106)
MSBuildProjectFile: XYZ.Maintenance_Installer.isproj (TaskId:106)
Done executing task "Message". (TaskId:106)
Task "Message" (TaskId:107)
Task Parameter:Text=BuildUri: (TaskId:107)
BuildUri: (TaskId:107)
Done executing task "Message". (TaskId:107)
Task "Message" (TaskId:108)
Task Parameter:Text=TeamFoundationServerUrl: (TaskId:108)
TeamFoundationServerUrl: (TaskId:108)
Done executing task "Message". (TaskId:108)
Task "Message" (TaskId:109)
Task Parameter:Text=ISOutDir: (TaskId:109)
ISOutDir: (TaskId:109)
Done executing task "Message". (TaskId:109)
Task "Copy" skipped, due to false condition; ( '$(OutDir)' != '' And '$(BuildUri)' != '' And '$(TeamFoundationServerUrl)' != '' And '$(InstallShieldProductConfiguration)' != '' And '$(InstallShieldRelease)' != '' And '@(ISOutDir)' != '' ) was evaluated as ( '' != '' And '' != '' And '' != '' And 'Default Configuration' != '' And 'Release' != '' And '' != '' ).
0 Kudos