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Level 3

Copy-Action in Temp directory do not work ...

Hi Everbody,

I am using Files-Action to install configuration scripts to temp.
Later they will be copied to the right directory.
But the Copy-Action do not find the installed files.

(11.04.2006 11:36:38), , com.installshield.product.actions.CopyFile, err, ProductException: (error code = 601; message="err"; additional data = )

What I am doing wrong ?

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(3) Replies
Flexera Alumni

What are your Copy File action settings? And where is the action located in the product tree?
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Level 3


- product [install Location: $V(BASE_DIR)]
- release [install Location: $E(TEMP)\Datenbank]
- component [install Location: ]
- Copy File

using ant script it work.
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Flexera Alumni

Just a sanity check: does the Copy File action occur later in the tree than the Files action that installs the file? That is, could it be that the file is not present yet when the action runs?
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