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Level 2

Configuring Installation Settings

Is it possible to script something in ISLE that changes the Server name in an application's configuration file? For example, I have a connection string that looks like this:

connectionString="Data Source=ART-STD08-02;Initial Catalog=FoodPlus2005;Integrated Security=SSPI;Connection Timeout=300;"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

During installation I want to be able to change the server name from ART-STD08-02 to something like SBSERVER. The name is unimportant in this context but I won't know the name of every server the application gets installed on so would like to know whether there is a way I can script something that browses for (in my case) an SQL Server and replace the name in the application configuration file during the installation.
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(1) Reply
Level 7

Hello Peter,

You will be able to modify *.config during install time through the XML view in the InstallShield Premier and Professional editions.

As the XML view is unavailable (locked) in InstallShield Limited Edition you would have to consider writing your own custom code to achieve this task.

InstallShield Limited Edition is used to create very basic installer and minimal functionalities are included whereas in other editions of InstallShield (Premier, Professional and Express) various features and functionalities are included.

Kindly refer the below link which highlights the features of different Editions of InstallShield

Hope this information helps you.

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