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Level 13

Condition for Text File Changes on Minor Upgrade

Hi, I am using 'Insert at End of File' in 'Text File Changes' to modify a file. That works fine for a first time install. However, I don't want those changes to be made on a Minor Upgrade. That should be as simple as putting a condition on the component, but I can't get that to work. It always makes the change on a Minor Upgrade. I have tried the condition NOT IS_MINOR_UPGRADE=1. I have also tried NOT IS_MINOR_UPGRADE="1".

The log file says that IS_MINOR_UPGRADE=1.

The text gets added to the end of the file again on a Minor Upgrade.

Thanks for any ideas,


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Level 13

Never mind. Figured it out. I was using separate components for the file and the file changes. It works when I correct that.

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