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Level 3

Compact Project - Registry Square Brackets

Using a compact project I want to set a registry value to [CheckIn("%1")]
but it always writes C:\. I've tried this with other project types and it works as it should, but not with compact projects. It seems that if you have anything between square brackets the whole lot gets replaced with C:\.

I've tried escaping the square brackets with the backslash character but that doesn't work. \[bla\] gives me \C:\.

Any help here?

Also (not that I want to do this) having one open bracket like "[bla" causes the installer to freeze on Installing Registry Item: - while taking up all the CPU and not even a cancel can stop it.
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(1) Reply
Level 3

If it's any help the XML file has [\[]Import("%1")[\]] for the value, which is the same as the XML from the Basic MSI project (which works).

So this looks like a bug in the Compact Installer.
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