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Level 2

Choose Features

I have an Installer which up to now was used to only install client software. I now need to give users the choice between a client and server installations. Both Client and server are the primary build from visual studio 2005 projects.

I have tried adding a new feature and setting it to install the server software to the appropriate folders but when i run the installation i am not given a a choice. It seems to just install both client and server.

Im quite new to installshield so im obviously missing something straight forward. Can someone give me some pointers?
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(2) Replies
Level 2

Can someone give me some info on this, even a website with some information about how to implement a choice of installations. I have searched on google but have not found anything relevant
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Level 3


What I did to select the feature to install is this:
(mind this is an InstallScript MSI Project and this code was written in setup.rul after a Dialog where the user click which feature wants to install, in your case, the user should choose between 'local' or 'server' I guess)

//Choose Feature to Install
switch (nFeature)
case 1:
FeatureSetupTypeSet (MEDIA, "FeatureName1");
case 2:
FeatureSetupTypeSet (MEDIA, "FeatureName2");
case 3:
FeatureSetupTypeSet (MEDIA, "FeatureName3");
case 4:
FeatureSetupTypeSet (MEDIA, "FeatureName4");

I hope this helps!
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