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Level 7

Checkbox problems

This is going to sound really stupid. And I know I should know better. But I'm having a really strange problem. I have a checkbox in a dialog. The powers that be want it un-checked by default in the dialog. For the life of me, I can't manage to do this. Regardless of which combination of Property and Value settings I use, the only two outcomes I can achieve are a Checkbox that is checked by default, or one that doesn't work at all.

Can someone please point me in the right direction? What do I need to set to make this dumb thing un-checked by default?

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Level 2


Installshield's default behavior is to create checkboxes in such a way that checkboxes are always checked by default. It does this because all properties that are used with a control are also placed in the property table with at least a starting value of 0. If this default value doesn't match up with the checked value Windows Installer will still regard the box as checked (though I’m not entirely certain as to why). Given this, you should be able to remove checkbox property from your property manager (or the table via direct edit) and you'll get a checkbox that is unchecked by default. Pretty non-obvious if you ask me. I tried this in InstallShield 11, and it worked for me. Your mileage might vary with InstallShield 2008, but that would seem to be a pretty significant bug if that was the case.
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