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Level 4

Changing setup.exe name using Product Name

In Basic MSI project, how can I use Properties or any kind of variable to change setup.exe name?
I want it to be ProductName_ProductVersion.exe, and I do not want to keep changing it with every new release.
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(6) Replies
Flexera Alumni

If nothing else, you can use the InstallShield Automation interface to read the property values and then touch up the file name before performing a build.
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Level 4

So there is no way to use {ProductVersion} or or anything like that?
Editing an XML file is always an options, but I was trying to see if I can avoid it...
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Level 4

Does this help?
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Level 4

drewdy wrote:
Does this help?

No, unfortunately it does not.
[PRODNAME] or any other property used there just shows up a literal [PRODNAME] in file name.
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Level 2

I'd love to have a solution for this too, specifically, including the ProductVersion in the name of setup.exe.
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Flexera Alumni

Apart from the Automation suggestion a couple of replies back, I'm not aware of anything built in...
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