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Level 3

Change install directory name

I need to change the default install directory name depending on a search for previous installations (allowing side by side installation) to have the current version appended to the [INSTALLDIR] directory. I had been using a custom action in a WiX installer to do this, but the properties set up in the InstallShield msi dont seem to allow me to use the same method.

Anyone know of a simple way to achieve this?.

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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

If nothing else, you should be able to use a set-directory custom action to change INSTALLDIR to whatever you want, based on [ProductVersion] or [InstanceId] or [MY_SEARCH_PROP] or what-have-you...
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Level 3

Thanks for the reply, I had tried to do this, but was jumping in a bit early, but saw in the install logs that the property was available after cost intialise, so changing INSTALLDIR after that works.

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