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Level 2

Change host for a license

We recently moved our InstallShield server to Azure.

This caused the MAC Address to change.

Is there a way to fix the InstallShield License?

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Level 2

So I was able to remove the license in the Flexera portal.

However, when I try to register InstallShield again it gets stuck in a loop.

I activate it, it says its activated, and then when I try to run InstallShield, it asks to activate again.

The lmadmin.log file shows this:

2021-04-12 11:41:40,678 root.Vendor (mvsn) stopped.
2021-04-12 11:41:40,678 root.Vendor (mvsn)maximum number of start retry is reached.
2021-04-12 11:41:40,678 root.LicenseEngine (mvsn) exited with status 27. (No features to serve)

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Hi @glafoon 
I would suggest reaching out to the technical support team, as it sounds like you might need to have the license returned from Revenera's end. Technical support will help with license servers and activation issues even if you do not have a valid maintenance plan. 
You can reach them using one of the methods on the Supports Contacts page below:

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