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Level 6

Chained msi packages

Hello folks.

I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the documentation as it relates to Chained .MSI packages.

I have two applications.

Application1 installs and then application2 installs.
(Application2 is the "chained" .msi)

The issue I'm having, deals with caching the .msi for application2.
So that I can perform a repair of Application2 after it has been installed.

I can get both Application1 and 2 installed on the target pc.

But if I try to perform a repair on application2, I receive a dialog that indicates it is looking for the temporary folder that held the Application2.msi when both Application1 and Application2 were being installed.
And of course that folder was deleted after the successful install.

I've been trying different settings for the chained package, based on my understanding of the documentation.
But I can't seem to cache the Applicaion2 .msi.

Has anyone been successful with this ?
If so, would you have pity on me and, explain, how you did it ?
As in, what exactly does your Chained package settings look like.
(Cuz I'll try and replicate your setting in my project.)

Thanks in advance for any responses.
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(6) Replies
Level 4

Have you tried to disable "Delete streamed files after installation" in the chained msi package view in Installation A?
0 Kudos
Level 6

Thanks for the reply.

I've attached a .bmp that shows what my settings look like.

I'm very confused.

Both of my applications install fine. (A GOOD thing.)

If I perform a repair on application1, Windows Installer remembers the source location for it (the .msi) and, if available, successfully completes the repair.

If I perform a repair on application2, Windows installer informs me that it can't find the temp file from which Application2 was installed.
And that would be correct.
Cuz it's gone.

I'm puzzled as to what in the wide wide worlds of sports, the "help" text is trying to say.

Any additional ideas would be appreciated.
0 Kudos
Level 8

can you make a new child msi and attach it to the chained installer.Please try this...

I did the same senario as u have mentioned and i was able to repair the child msi also.
0 Kudos
Level 6

Thanks for the reply.

Although I'm more than willing to try anything ........

I'm unsure what a child .msi is and how I would go about attaching it.

Can I ask for a little detail so that I might know how to proceed ?
0 Kudos
Level 4

Apologies, I was a little hasty in my last reply.
To make sure the chained msi is cached in the proper place, it needs to have [LocalAppDataFolder]{ProductCodeGUID}\ as its run-time path, like so:

This will make sure Add/Remove Programs finds the msi in the proper location for reparation, modification and uninstall. (I think..:)
0 Kudos
Level 3

Are you copying the msi to [LocalAppDataFolder]{ProductCodeGUID}\ during the install? How does the msi get to this location on the target machine?
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