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Level 4

Chained .msi Package not using the Windows Theme


When using the Chained .msi Package feature to install a second package the Windows Theme is not used for Reduced (/qr) or Full UI (/qf). It default’s to this standard flat theme.

How can I get the second package to use the Windows theme.
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(3) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Hmm. It looks like we might be missing the common controls assembly parts of the embedded manifest of ISChain.exe (in folder redist\language independent\i386). If you're adventurous, you might try backing up the current file, and adding the common controls parts to the manifest... I'll see if we can reproduce and fix this in house.
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

I was able to verify this, as well as the workaround I described. We're now tracking it under IOC-000074452. I hope to post a real fix soon, but if it has to wait for a later release, changing the manifest of ISChain.exe to the following appears to work:

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Level 4


Thanks, I've changed the manifest as blow and it's working.
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