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Can you retrieve registry values through the Automation Interface?

I am trying to read what registry entries a Component might have, or even just which ones a MM would have (as this would be associated with a component) and do this through the Automation interface.

I'm writing a tool to create plug-ins for our installer and some components may have a registry setting as the KeyPath. Before making the call to set a registry setting as the KeyPath, I need to be able to verify that it exists in the component.

Does anyone know if this is possible, the support for Registry seems poor - it only seems to allow you to import a reg file to a component, not add actual values, and not read through the registry settings already in the Component or MM.

Thanks in hope...
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(1) Reply
Flexera Alumni

Correct, it appears that individual registry entries are not exposed in the InstallShield Automation interface.

If nothing else, you can use the MSI Automation interface to query the .ism project file's Registry table (if you've saved the project in Binary format), or otherwise parse the XML project file.
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