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Level 5

Best Practices for running a third party installer

First off, I'm relatively new to InstallShield and I'm working with an InstallScript project.

My installer needs to execute a third party installer. I had put that installer on the CD with my installer. I tried to launch it with LaunchAppAndWait. But when I did this, I got an error because after my installer got copied to the temp directory, the path was wrong.

So I guess what I need to know is if there is a good way to get the path of where my installer was when it was launched?

Also, is this the best way to be doing this? Should I copy the third party setup to the temp directory as well?

Thanks for your help.
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(3) Replies
Level 5

Put a folder in your Disk1 and then give that path. Remeber folder must be in disk 1 while installing. And then create a disk.
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Level 5

How do I add the folder to Disk1? If I manually copy it to "SINGLE_EXE_IMAGE\Disk Images\Disk1" in windows explorer, it gets removed every time I build the project. Is there some place I add it inside the InstallSheild project.
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Level 6

As I see it, you have two options.
1) Create a new component that gets installed in the TARGETDIR or
2) Put the executable in the Support Files (Language Independant) section and launch from SUPPORTDIR.

Hope this helps.

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