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Level 7

Basic MSI not installing subfolders

I create a folder under "Destination Computer" that has subfolders underneith, as shown in the picture below. I then call a custom action to set my Directory Identifier SHAREDDEFAULTS, like so:

nResult = MsiSetProperty (hwnd, "SHAREDDEFAULTS", "C:\\RandomPath");

When I run the installation the SharedDefaults folder gets installed. However, none of the subdirectories under \SharedDefaults get created and installed. This works in Installscript MSI, but not in Basic MSI. What do I need to do here?

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Installation directory is hard code?

May be you can try to add SHAREDDEFAULTS to Property Manager, then set this property value to "C:\\RandomPath", instead of MsiSetProperty.

Hope this helps you.
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Level 7

The solution to this issue, I learned, is to create a set Directory custom action and put it after CostFinalize.
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