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Level 5

Avoid unpacking during uninstall

Hi all!

I have an InstallScript project that contains some big files in the "Support Files/Billboards\Language Independent" folder. I use these files only during first installation and maintenance mode, but never on uninstall.
So, when I want to remove the application, I must wait untill the setup has finished to prepar its files (for example copying them in the TEMP folder, I suppose...).

Since this is a wasting time operation, is there a trick the allow me to avoid unpacking of temp files?

Important: please, don't tell me to remove that big files ... it's an impossible solution!

Thanks in advance!

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(2) Replies
Level 6

Unpacking large files from the Support area is very costly on the target machine, both in time and extra space. Often, I have gone around it by referencing the files needed from SetupExeDir rather than SupportDir. In other words, don't put the required files in the SupportDir, but place them in the same folder where the setup/msi runs and reference them there.
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Level 5

Mhh ... it seems a good idea.
The only thing is that I must use PACKAGE_LOCATION instead of SETUPEXEDIR because (looking inside the IS help...) is supported only in InstallScript MSI and Basic MSI (I use InstallScript project).
However, it could be right..

Thanks a lot for your answer Randy!
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