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Level 9

Auto Repair mode triggered???

Is there any way to find out what is triggering the msi auto repair mode of our product?

We have been having various administrators calling support stating that after they push out our product install and then the user logs in an starts up various apps, some not having anything to do with our app, it will trigger the msi auto repair and perform a repair of our app. If they do not hit Cancel on the repair then then the app starts up and it is fine, where as if they Cancel the the auto repair will contine to happen when launching these apps until it have been completed.

Is there any way to log or detect what could be causing the auto repair to ocurr so that we may be able to look into having it fixed?

Any help would be appreciated.
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(5) Replies
Level 7

Yes, the Event Viewer. It will list the product name and the component GUID which is causing the application to go for auto-repair.
0 Kudos
Level 9

Okay thanks,

I have one question.
I had one of the testing people use the even viewer and it basically stated that a registry key did not exist under our key in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER section of the registry.

So if the install is pushed out in all user mode, meaning for anyone that logs onto the machine, then for each new user that logs onto the machine the auto-repair mode will be triggered so that this key could be created under their user key. Would that be the case here?

If so then I should not have this key created under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER sections, even though the validation stated that I should create the key there....

thanks for your help.
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Level 7

Not sure if I understood the question correctly, but for all-users type installation, the application has to self-repair if there are per-user keys. If this key is not required and you want to avoid self-healing then its best to remove it.
0 Kudos
Level 9

Okay thanks,

So as long as I have any keys that go into the per-user keys then it will cause the auto-repair mode. I'll have to double check the keys that I have there and if they are not needed or can be move to our HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry keys then I'll have to do that.

Thanks again.
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Right. Or perhaps if it's reasonable, take it out of the install and have the application create the HKCU key when the user first runs it, or first sets the option away from the default, or similar.
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