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Level 3

Appending the INSTALLDIR variable

I have a situation that I thought would be simple in InstallShield 2010. As I am finding out, nothing is simple in 2010.
All I want to do is if the user choses to pick the install directory, take their directory that they typed in (eg. C:\software) and add a directory after it.
(eg C:\software\application). No matter what directory they pick, I want to add \application after it.
I have tried setting the Set Target Path under the dialog behavior when they click next. I have tried setting it to [_BrowseProperty]\ILLUSTRA. That generates an error. I have tried making a path variable that uses [INSTALLDIR]ILLUSTRA, [INSTALLDIR]\ILLUSTRA, [INSTALLDIR]"ILLUSTRA".
I have made a variable for "ILLUSTRA" and added it to the Set Target Path. (eg. [INSTALLDIR][TARGET], [INSTALLDIR]%TARGET%.

No matter what I pick I get an error on the install that it cannot find "[INSTALLDIR]ILLUSTRA". If I tell it I want to chage directories but don't actually change the directory and click next it works (the default value for INSTALLDIR)
There has to be a simple way to do this and I am now on my 5th day of trying to figure it out.
Any help anyone can provide would be most appreciated.


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Level 8

if this is a basic MSI project, set your INSTALLDIR to default to the program files folder, then under the Files and folders view add your application folder under the INSTALLDIR. When they change the INSTALLDIR location your subdirectories will be created exactly as you have it laid out in the files and folders view.
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Level 3

Thank you...that was the ticket...I was staring at it for so long the obvious eluded me.
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Level 6

This is a neat way to do it. I also had the same requirement and this solved it.
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