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Level 4

AllUsers property ignored migrating from IS12!

Well, apparently the ALLUSERS property is ignored on my installer when i migrated it to IS2008. I want to create a HKCU for every user on the machine, and this worked well using ALLUSERS=1 under the IS12 environment. Why could this be happening? Is there anything else I haven't looked (any other influencial property perhaps)? Please, any ideas or suggestions are welcome.

Thanks a lot!
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Level 4

i even tried setup.exe /V"ALLUSERS=1" to try to make the HKCU for all the users, but it didnt work either!!! help please!
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Level 4

Ok, i found my answer. Probably there was something to do with the key path on the Current User key. Basically, you have to add set any key in the HKCU as the Key Path. This will ensure that the installation repairs when a new user logs on the machine and launches the application. The repair will create the HKCU Reg keys. This is the recommended way of installing HKCU Reg keys.

Another way is, if u don't have an executable or a shortcut, you should consider making a key called HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Active Setup/Installed Components/[Product Code] and a new string value in it called StubPath with "msiexec /fauvs {Product Code} /qb" as its value.For more info, check out

PS: Choosing the second alternative will make a repair of the installation every time a new user logs in, so if you have a big installation it might not be what you are looking for.
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Level 4

Ok maybe you're wondering "why the hell does this guy keep posting answers to himself?" I think the thing is, since I am having this trouble now, I may aswell document it for someone else with the same issues.

There's a problem with the solution I gave for the problem (go figure). Seems microsoft declared an issue when installing from CD.

When logged in as a restricted user under win2k the windows installer does not have access to the CD drive.

anyways, gonna check out those workarounds.
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