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Level 2

Adding "Everyone" user to registry key during install on Windows 10 computer fails.

I am running into a problem with my installer program.

One of the thing the installer does is to creates some registry keys.
For a particular registry key I need to add the “Everyone” user to it
and give the user "Full Control". This is done using the normal
procedures. Using the installation designer, selecting the "Registry" item,
and selecting the key and the adding the "Everyone" user using the "Permission..."
submenu item.

All works well when the installation of my application is done on a window 7 computer.
When I run the installation program on a Window 10 computer the registry key created
above does not get set with the "Everyone" user like it does for a window 7 computer.

Running the installation as an administrator.

Installation program is generated from InstallShield 2015 running on a windows 8 server computer.

Has anyone run into this problem before?

Is this a know issue?

Is there a workaround the problem?
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(1) Reply
Level 4

I have same problem with InstallShield 2010 on W10 x64 under Wow6432node. IS can set the root key for everyone/fullcontrol but some child keys do not inherit it. It works on some computers and on other do not..
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