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Level 3

Adding Installscript objects to features

I'm using an Installscript object in a project and the object is built often. Everytime it is built I'm removing the object from the project Feature and adding the newly built object to the feature.

Has anyone tried to automatically replace the built object in the feature without the manual Remove/Replace?
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(3) Replies
Level 4

hi ,you can coding to selecte the feature that to be biult.
first define the macro which describe the name of all features.
seconde: define a var to mark different how many feature to be built.
you maybe use the List to contain the feature name .and loop the list to decide which feature will be built.
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Level 4

In installscript there is a method (AddObject) that can be used to add the objects but you need to pass a "moniker" to that method.
In InstallShield help it specify:
"To get an InstallScript object's moniker, create a new Professional project in the IDE and add the InstallScript object to a feature, then go to the Direct Editor view's ISFeatureExtended table and see the Moniker column."
Is there another way to get the moniker or add objects automatically without having to go through creating a new project and checking the direct editor?
0 Kudos
Level 4

I was running some tests and the only way I found was by modifying the project xml file directly (the ISFeatureMergeModules and ISMergeModule tables) using xml transforms through scripts
But I guess there should be a cleaner way to do this, maybe through the IS automation object??
It isn't that hard either way when using xmldom through the automation script adding the merge modules, just add a row in ISFeatureMergeModules for the feature/s containing the merge module/s, and an entry in ISMergeModule for each merge module you are adding.
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