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Level 10

Add/Remove Programs Description

How do I set the product name in add/Remove programs?

I specify a different product name in my release configuration, yet the same product name appears in ARP regardless...

Project Type: Basic MSI.
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(3) Replies
Level 4

Going off memory because I can't get to my IS projects at the moment, but I believe it's in the General Information tab.
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Level 10

most of the fields in the general information tab can be overridden in a specific configuration...are you saying that the ARP description CANNOT be overridden?

my issue with that is: i am using the configuration settings to override the upgrade code and product code so that two differnt "configurations" of my product can be installed side-by-side...if the ARP description cannot be overridden, then both my configurations would appear teh same in ARP...this is not desireable.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Under "Installation Information" -> "General Information" -> "Product Properties" you'll find the "Name" box. Here is where ARP grabs the product name from.

Alternatively, I believe you can pass the argument on the command line. That's what we use in our build scripts at least.

Note that for upgrade purposes the Product Name cannot change between versions.
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