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Level 3

Access to "Multiple Instances" configuration through Automation objects?

I've started to play around with the new Multiple Instances feature in InstallShield 2009 and have not been able to find any reference to these settings via the automation interface. Am I missing something obvious?

I checked in the ISWIProductConfig object first since that's where the information is located in the GUI but didn't find anything. I dug through the rest of the object model and didn't see anything, and there doesn't appear to be anything in the documentation. :confused:

Any help would be appreciated.
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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Offhand, I don't see anything; if nothing else, you can modify the ISProductConfigurationInstance table directly using MSI Automation, about which see this ancient newsletter tip (PDF warning):

That's assuming your .ism project file is in binary format; if it's XML format, then you'll want some sort of text manipulation.
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Level 3

Thanks for the reply. We're using XML formats.

Should I watch for anything besides adding new elements in the ISProductConfiguration table element with nested elements with text contents set as Product Configuration, Instance Name, PropertyName1, Value, PropertyName2, Value, etc?

Seems to work, just want to be sure I'm not missing anything.
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