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Access support files in powershell actions

I have provided a set of support files (DOS batch files).


I need to run these script and I intend to do this through a powershell script action.Does anyone know how I can get the path to the support files folder I have declared ?

I have tried this without success:$install_level = Get-Property -name INSTALLLEVEL
$target_dir = Get-Property -name TARGETDIR
$install_dir = Get-Property -name INSTALLDIR
$setup_exe_dir = Get-Property -name SUPPORTDIR # <<< this returns nothing

Anybody ?


---- the script looks like this   ---

Get-Date | Out-File -FilePath d:\test-power-shell.txt
trace-info "Running Post install actions..."

$trace_name = "[Post install actions] "
$exit_code = 99

$install_level = Get-Property -name INSTALLLEVEL
$target_dir = Get-Property -name TARGETDIR
$install_dir = Get-Property -name INSTALLDIR
$setup_exe_dir = Get-Property -name SUPPORTDIR

function batch_file_runner([string]$batch_script){

$batch_file = "$setup_exe_dir\Support Files\$batch_script"
# -windowstyle 'Hidden'

if ( Test-Path $batch_file ){

trace-info "$trace_name running: $batch_file"
Start-Process -wait $batch_file "nopause"
if ($?){
trace-info "$trace_name $batch_file done..."
} else {
throw "Command-let Start-Process failed while running $batch_file"
} else {
throw "Failed to find batch script $batch_file"

echo "Install level: $install_level, Setup dir: $setup_exe_dir, Target dir: $target_dir, Install dir: $install_dir" | Out-File -append -FilePath d:\test-power-shell.txt

trace-info "Before try catch section Install level: $install_level, Setup dir: $setup_exe_dir, Target dir: $target_dir, Install dir: $install_dir"
try {
trace-info "$trace_name running: Start running"

$exit_code = 0
} catch {
trace-info "$trace_name running: script failed. $_.Exception.Message"

trace-info "$trace_name running: getting out of the try catch section"


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(4) Replies
Level 7 Flexeran
Level 7 Flexeran

Below command should work. Make sure you have files added\present under Support Files view in your Basic Msi project in order to access this variable.

Get-Property -name SUPPORTDIR

0 Kudos

Now , this exactly what I'm already doing and doesn't work. Do you know if this variable/property is set after a specific sequence step ?

0 Kudos

This is what you're suggestion returns:

PowerShell wrapper: Hello world : Install level: 10, support dir: , Target dir: D:\, Install dir: D:\CTSS\
PowerShell wrapper: Hello world : return 9999

As you can see, it's empty !

The poserscrip I'm running looks like this:


$install_level      = Get-Property -name INSTALLLEVEL
$target_dir         = Get-Property -name TARGETDIR
$install_dir        = Get-Property -name INSTALLDIR
$setup_exe_dir      = Get-Property -name SUPPORTDIR 
$herbert            = Get-Property -name HERBERT
trace-info "$herbert : Install level: $install_level, support dir: $setup_exe_dir, Target dir: $target_dir, Install dir: $install_dir"
trace-info "$herbert : return 9999"

exit (9999)


The "Hello world" was set throught the property manager editor. It's working (get-properety -name HERBERT). The other properties install shield properties are also valorized as expected.

Attached, the MSI log with more informations

0 Kudos

FYI, this variables is only set if you add files in "Support Files" -> "Language Independent" or "French" (when language dependent.

If you add files into "Advanced files" -> "DISK1", then the variable is NOT set.

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