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Level 3

ARM Processor support

Hello all,

Can anyone tell me if Installshield provides an installer product that supports the ARM processor type?

I currently have InstallShield 2010 and the list of supported types are: Alpha, Intel, Intel64 and x64.

Will there be suppport for ARM in the future?

Best regards,
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(2) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

I would expect that if the ARM platform takes off for desktop apps, that InstallShield will be there supporting it. I haven't yet heard any confirmed information that the ARM platform will receive anything other than metro-style apps, however, so this comment is pure speculation.

What sort of project types (particularly from Basic MSI, InstallScript, and/or Suite) are you expecting to want to use on an ARM platform?
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Level 16

Bob Arnson's website ( ) posted an entry called Same as it ever was where it was mentioned that a new property was added to MsiDefs.h:

#define IPROPNAME_ARM              TEXT("Arm")

To me this indicates a strong likely hood that there will be some sort of Windows Installer support on ARM outside of Metro appx deployments.
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