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Level 2

-5008 This 32-bit package cannot include 64-bit data.

Hi Support-Team,
I have created an Excel-AddIn with Viusal Studio 2010 and tried to deploy this project with InstallShield Limited Edtion ( But I always receive the following error message: "-5008 This 32-bit package cannot include 64-bit data. The 64-bit data may come from a merge module."
Any idea what the problem could be? I haven't changed some settings of my Excel-AddIn Project to 64-bit. Everything is set to default.
I hope somebody has an solution for me. If you need further informations please let me know.
Best regards Markus
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(2) Replies
Level 3

I would like to know the answer to this as well. I am under the understanding that the new Installshield LE has the support for 64bit installations, yet that option is missing. I am trying to add a 64bit merge module, and running into the same problem.
0 Kudos
Level 9

Hello All,

Kindly check the below link which gives more information about the 32-bit and 64-bit installations:|StartTopic=Content%2Fhelplibrary%2FIHelp64BitSupport.htm

Hope this helps.

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