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Level 8

32 bit installation on 64 bit OS

We create 2 packages from the same ISM file, 32 bit and 64 bit. We differentiate the Template Summary in the Product Configuration (Intel for 32 bit OS, x64 for 64 bit OS).

Surely 64 bit package will now run on 32 bit OS. We would like to stop 32 bit install on 64 bit OS as well. But we cant user VersionNT64 property as an install (launch) condition as we use one single ISM file for both packages.

So I guess the solution is that if VersionNT64 and if the package is 32 bit package then the stop the installation via install condition. But I am not sure how to detect the 32 bit package.

Any help is appreciated.
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(3) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

If you are using different release flags for your 32- and 64-bit releases, could you try using the ISReleaseFlags property as part of your launch condition?
0 Kudos
Level 8

Thanks Michael. It seems to be working with your suggested way, i.e. using ISReleaseFlags.
0 Kudos
Level 10

I did something similar, but in our case, we wanted the product name to reflect its 64-bitness, so in the Product Configuration screen I changed the name of the 64-bit product to My Product's Name (x64). This allowed me to test for VersionNT64 And Not (ProductName >> "(x64)"), but I think I like Michael's approach better.
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