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Old Icon Used When Building an InstallAnyhwere Installer from the Command-line

Old Icon Used When Building an InstallAnyhwere Installer from the Command-line


When building an installer on the command-line, the icon displayed will be the icon last used when built with the InstallAnywhere IDE and not what is currently specified under the Installer Icon setting.


When building an installer on the command-line, the icon displayed will be the icon last used when built with the InstallAnywhere IDE and not what is currently specified under the Installer Icon setting. This problem has been reproduced and determined to be an issue in our software.


This issue has been submitted to our Engineering team as Issue# IOA-000067127. Our Engineering team is investigating this issue, but at this moment, there is no estimated time frame for when it will be fixed. There is a workaround available below.


  • If the command-line builder is on a separate machine from the InstallAnywhere IDE, follow the steps below:
    1. Open your project in the InstallAnywhere IDE, make sure the icon source path is set correctly and then save your project.
    2. Go to the following directory and notice the six executables have their icons updated to the ico you set in the IDE: <IA_HOME>\resource\self_extractors\windows.
    3. Copy the executables in this directory and move it to the command-line builder's installation directory by replacing the executables in the windows self-extractors directory with the executables that have the correct icons.
    4. Run the command-line build and confirm that the correct icon is used.
  • If the command-line builder is on the same machine as the InstallAnywhere IDE, you will just need to make sure you save or build your project with the new installer icon specified, before building the project on the command-line.
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Last update:
‎Nov 12, 2018 05:01 PM
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