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Installer Hangs During Installation When Standard User Runs Installer That Installs Log To Program Files (x86) or Program Files Directory Due To Lack of Write Permissions on Windows

Installer Hangs During Installation When Standard User Runs Installer That Installs Log To Program Files (x86) or Program Files Directory Due To Lack of Write Permissions on Windows


This article discusses an issue where the installer hangs, during installation, when a Standard User runs an installer that installs the log to the Program Files (x86) or Program Files directory on Windows. The installer hangs due to a lack of write permissions to that location.


The installer hangs, during installation, when a Standard User runs an installer that installs the log to the Program Files (x86) or Program Files directory on Windows.


The installer hangs due to a lack of write permissions to that location.

Steps To Reproduce

Steps To Reproduce Issue:
  1. Create a project in the InstallAnywhere IDE.
  2. Enable logging.
  3. Configure the install log to be written to the Program Files (x86) or Program Files directory.
  4. Build the project.
  5. Run the installer as a Standard User on Windows.
  6. Navigate to the Pre-Install Summary Panel.
  7. Click the Install button.
Expected Results:
The installation should complete without any issues.

Actual Results:
The installer hangs during installation.


This Bug is being tracked with Issue# IOA-000124793. This issue was resolved by InstallAnywhere 2015. Please upgrade to InstallAnywhere 2015.

Additional Information

To download the InstallAnywhere 2015 Release Notes, click here.
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Version history
Last update:
‎Nov 12, 2018 05:34 PM
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