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Level 7

jvm search of the uninstaller

How can I configure (e.g. with additonal lax properties), that the uninstaller looks at first for a local installed 1.5+ JVM and if (only if) there is no such JVM found use the installed bundled jvm.

I want to avoid system reboots after complete deinstallation (under windows), so I think it would be nice, if the uninstaller uses the installed jvm (if any available) .
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(6) Replies
Level 20

I think that by design the Uninstaller uses the exact same JVM as the one that has been used by the installer.
0 Kudos
Level 7

Hm. .oO( Looks like another Featurerequest 😉

With IS MP it was possible to define JVM search path (for installer and one for uninstaller)...
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Level 20

I'm just curious: I'm not sure I see the need to have the uninstaller run against other JVM that the one use by the installer...
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Level 7

Why then IA needs a reboot after complete deinstall?

I thought, because of the used JVM.
0 Kudos
Level 20

Well, it could be that... or it could be a single file locked by your application running when you were uninstalling...
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Level 7

No, I've just installed and then directly deinstalled.
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