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Level 9

i am using more user input panels in the pre installation task

i am using more number of user input panels and even if i leave the title of the input panels as blank i get the titles(even blank) towards the left of my panels and even they are invisible.
In addition to these i use jump action wherein depending on the install set chossen, i jump labels.
My problem is the titles say preinstallation summary,choose install folder all these come towards the left of the panel can i modify what appears towards the left of the panel through some way.
That is i want to control what appears towards the left of the panel
Labels (1)
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(2) Replies
Level 20

Could you please post a screenshot of your issue, as personally I was unable to understand what exactly your issue is.
0 Kudos
Level 7

Yes you can, for each panel you have a "Label Settings" tab where you can choose the highlighted label.

Best Regards,
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