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Level 7

console input dialog problem

I use a console input dialog to ask for another directory.

The default value is $USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_1$ and the result should be stored into $USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_1$.

I type into the console: /home/foobar
but when I use the $USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_1$ e.g. inside a rule after this input, then the value is

With this " around the answer, the directory-checks inside the rules fails. How to avoid these "?

(This problem only appears inside the console input dialogs. With the window user input panes no problem.)
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(2) Replies
Level 7

I too ran into this problem and ended up writing my own console panel so i could replace the double quotes with nothing to get my value the way I wanted it.
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Level 7

The solution is to use $USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_1_1$ inside the rules. I tested it and it seems to work.
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