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Level 3

Uninstall issue due to java heap space


We facing an issue with an uninstaller that we created using installanywhere 2010 Enterprise Edition. The issue is upon launching of uninstaller executable, we get Fatal Exception dialog with java.lang.outofmemory error. While going through the details it tells us the issue is with java heap space.

We have infact changed the java configuration settings to:

Minimum heap size: 70331648
Maximum heap size:160331648

We are getting this issue on Mac 10.6 & Win Vista. The build size that installer dumps on target machine is about 880 MB. It is also to be noted that the number of files that exists in this build are above 5000 files which include media files of all sorts i.e, audio, video, graphics and animations. The installer is built to be run across different platforms i.e Windows, Mac, Linux.

Is there any specific setting that is needed to be done to resolve this. Please suggest.
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(1) Reply
Level 20

I know that on Mac IA relies on the Java version provided by the OS. Consequently, do you use the same mechanism for Windows Vista (i.e. rely on an existing JVM)?
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