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Level 6

Porting a project from IS 11.5

Hello folks,

I am currently porting a project from IS 11.5 and it has been going surprisingly smooth.

However I do have a couple of questions...
In my 1..5 project I have a number of executable files stored as External Resources (they get carried along on the Install CD but do not get installed) and I used these executables in an Execute Process action.

I see how I can Execute the Target File but, I do not see how I can do this as an External Resource that does not get installed.

Can somebody help me out with this issue?

Thank you,

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Level 20

I think that the "Do not install" magic folder is what might be an equivalent. Quoting from the manual:

"Do Not Install $DO_NOT_INSTALL$
Doesn't install the file on the target platform. Used for files (typically localized license agreements and graphics) used during installation but which don't need to remain on the target system."

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Level 6

pv7721 wrote:
I think that the "Do not install" magic folder is what might be an equivalent. Quoting from the manual:

"Do Not Install $DO_NOT_INSTALL$
Doesn't install the file on the target platform. Used for files (typically localized license agreements and graphics) used during installation but which don't need to remain on the target system."


Thanks! That will take care of the unnecessary file install.

But, how do I get the file out of my archive and onto the CD? Do I have to manualy set this up in my automated build scripts?
0 Kudos
Level 20

I'm afraid that yes, you don't have a choice. Even if you were to use the InstallAnywhere build for CD-ROM option it still uses a single archive.
0 Kudos
Level 6

pv7721 wrote:
I'm afraid that yes, you don't have a choice. Even if you were to use the InstallAnywhere build for CD-ROM option it still uses a single archive.

I was looking at changing the action from EXECUTE TARGET FILE to EXECUTE COMMAND and then setting the command line to $INSTALLER_LAUNCH_DIR$$/$EXTERNAL_FILES$/$myExecutable.exe

But then I do not know how to ensure that the file will be there other then using the build scripts to step up and do IA's job.

Sounds like a plan?

0 Kudos
Level 6

Techie42 wrote:
I was looking at changing the action from EXECUTE TARGET FILE to EXECUTE COMMAND and then setting the command line to $INSTALLER_LAUNCH_DIR$$/$EXTERNAL_FILES$/$myExecutable.exe

$INSTALLER_LAUNCH_DIR$$/$EXTERNAL_FILES$/$myExecutable.exe works locally but it has problems with network addresses \\some_system\MyEXE.exe becomes \some_system\MyEXE.exe and IA can not find the file.

This could be a problem for enterprise wide installer packages delivered over the network.

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