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Level 2

Migrating Solaris SPARC to Solaris x86

Hello Community,

My program is looking at migrating Solaris SPARC to Solaris x86. We have successfully used InstallAnywhere 2008 on the SPARC platform for our installs/deinstalls. From looking at the IA documentation, it doesn't seem to differentiate between the two.

Can anyone confirm that they have successfully ran a IA that was run on SPARC and x86? We do not have any x86 at the moment to test otherwise I could. I'm looking to see what effort it would be to migrate for our customer.

Thank you in Advance!
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Level 20

We abandoned the Solaris platform some time ago, but for us was always SPARC. IA claims to have support for Solaris on all platforms: Solaris 9 and 10 (SPARC, x86, and AMD-64)
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